The family is the first institution with which every human being comes into contact because even before birth he lives in a person the mother-child relationship begins. In such a way that, from the beginning of human existence, the functions lavished by the family with respect to its members are irreplaceable and fundamental.
These functions not only cover the material aspects (food, housing, medicines, among others) of the needs of its members, but also the spiritual aspects (education, solidarity, affection, security, communication, attention, security, socialisation, etc.) It is above all in relation to the latter, that the family becomes more than a conglomerate of people with purely welfare functions, in a community of love and life in which each of its members feels welcomed, supported and safe.
In this sense, the family environment provides the human being with the necessary goods to develop properly and prevents or corrects situations that may affect said development. In this way, it is the parents who hold the primary responsibility for the upbringing, guidance and protection of children, who, to fully develop, need the family environment and the environment of happiness, love and understanding that is lived within it; being, consequently, the first ones obliged to safeguard the respect and primacy of the best interest of the child in the situations that involve it.
The family is, therefore, the first social unit in which each human being becomes aware of the value of their existence and, therefore, of the importance of respecting their dignity as a human person. In the family, one learns to become aware of the inalienable rights of each one of its members, promoting per se a true culture of Human Rights and protection towards the weakest